Dear Reader,

It’s hard to believe, but this is the last newsletter in the AMR project: the end of the year also means the end of the project.
In this last newsletter, we present the latest article completed in the project, the most exciting information published on the knowledge portal, and, as a farewell, a few snapshots from the project’s life.

Time to Say Goodbye

Dear AMR DetecTool project partners, dear friends,

I would like to take a moment to reflect on our journey together in the BLDetecTool (2018) and then the AMR DetecTool (2022-2022) project. Our project formally ends in December this year, so it is time to say goodbye.

I have really enjoyed my work with you, and I appreciate the opportunity to coordinate this project in such challenging times. All the partners did their very best to meet our objectives and deadlines, with enthusiasm. All the partners worked in the same direction and listened to each other.

Thank you for the support, and encouragement you have provided to me during these 5 years.

I am sure we will miss the company of each other, but I trust that our strong professional consortium network will find other project opportunities to work together again.

Please keep in touch: I can be reached at my CEA email address, with new ideas for cooperation.

The AMR DetecTool project - our mission is to fight against antimicrobial resistance

Our first meeting at the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris – January 2020  – Luckily, we found a great place to take a group photo: the wax museum of dermatological diseases. We can only recommend the visit: the pieces on display are incredibly lifelike.

The first discussions about the AMR DetecTool project – This is where we started discussing plans and tasks for the next three years. At that time, we couldn’t even imagine that the pandemic would break into our lives in 2 months and we would have to change all our plans.

AMR DetecTool workshop – 29-30 November 2021 – Fortunately, we were able to meet in person, while some more experts joined this event online. You can find the presentations and pictures made during the workshop here.

Workshop closing dinner with project partners, relatives and friends:)

AMR Knowledge Portal - a platform for healthcare providers to accelerate action against AMR

Please visit the AMR Knowledge Portal to see all expert-level information about antimicrobial resistance collected during the project. Our main goal is to help provide healthcare professionals with helpful knowledge to fight against antibiotic resistance.

You can find presentations about rapid tests for the most relevant antibiotic resistance mechanisms, how to save lives and costs with medication based on rapid AMR detection, detailed guide and video on using the AMR DetecTool device, and others.

We recommend reviewing our most comprehensive material: Building an institutional AMR strategy in order to reduce the spread of AMR and reduce operational costs with rapid microbiological tests, especially with the AMR DetecTool.

Lateral Flow Assay - a breakthrough method for AMR detection

Lateral Flow Assays are inexpensive, rapid, and efficient tools that are easy to implement in the routine workflow of laboratories as new first-line tests against antimicrobial resistance.

This review – prepared by project partners – presents the versatility of LFA developed for the AMR detection field, with particular attention to those directly triggering β-lactamases, their performances, and specific limitations. It considers how LFA can be modified by detecting not only the enzyme but also its β-lactamase activity for a broader clinical sensitivity.

Thank you for staying with us,
Best wishes from the communications team:

Albert Zoltan Aszalos

Szilvia Farkas