A portal to support healthcare professionals in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
A portal offering a manual of the device and best institutional strategies for health professionals to achieve rapid detection of antimicrobial resistance and to offer targeted medication
Semmelweis University, Budapest

Expert level summary
The portal contains the following items:
- practical guide to using the AMR DetecTool device: technical details and testing process
- guide on the theory behind the AMR DetecTool
- integration of the device in the workflow of hospitals and laboratories
- description of effective diagnostic pathways with the help of the device
- guide to building an institutional AMR strategy with the AMR DetecTool
- video interviews with leading infectologists on the applicability of the following document: “WHO: Diagnostic stewardship – A guide to implementation in antimicrobial resistance
Detailed activity description
The AMR Knowledge Portal supports hospitals to best use the AMR DetecTool devices and to improve diagnosis pathways for increased infection control and patient safety. The Portal includes a Guide on the theory behind the AMR DetecTool and key documents of the ECDC and national Infectology Control Centers. Later on, in phase 1, the Knowledge Portal also presents best-practice descriptions, interviews with leading European infectologists, as well as practical toolkits, training material and manuals in a searchable database. The portal also integrates hospital diagnosis pathway methodologies developed by WP4 and WP5.
The Portal expands by growing its collection of interviews (with the ECDC and national Infectology Control Centres), practical toolkits such as the WHO Infection prevention and control guidelines, other training material and manuals in a searchable database.
The Portal integrates hospital diagnosis pathway methodologies developed by WP4 in cooperation with the three project partner clinics. WP5 also contributes to the portal by collecting evidence on how the tests are best positioned in the lab to be the most efficient (speed, cost-saving, patient care, patient outcome). The institutional level strategy contents of the portal are presented in a training package on the portal itself. A training video on using the device is added to the portal.