Producing the device that saves lives and costs
A new breakthrough device is produced for a rapid detection of antimicrobial resistance and provide patients with a safer hospital environment
This project activity is lead by Hervé Volland project Coordinator
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, CEA
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, CEA

Expert level summary
The first phase of this activity includes
The first phase of this activity includes
- the production of detection systems for the testing of Carba 5 and CTX-Ms tests;
- the production of detection systems for the evaluation of VanA/B and Oxa from Acinetobacter Baumannii tests;
- and the development of the handheld reader and associated software to analyse detection system results.
Detailed activity description
Number of detection systems produced: 37050 tests
- Production of detection systems for the testing of Carba 5 and CTX-Ms tests
- Production of detection systems for the evaluation of VanA/B and Oxa from Acinetobacter Baumannii tests
Number of detection systems produced: 27275 tests
- Production of detection systems of Carba 5 and CTX-Ms for the handheld reader testing;
- Production of detection systems for the testing of VanA/B and Oxa from Acinetobacter Baumannii tests;
- Production of detection systems for the evaluation of plasmid-encoded cephalosporinases tests (3GCs);
- Production of detection systems for the testing of plasmid-encoded cephalosporinases tests (3GCs);
Number of detection systems produced: 1850 tests;
Production of detection systems for the testing of plasmid-encoded cephalosporinases tests (3GCs).
Please read a scientific article on the operation of the device: